Developed by Lia DeLand in collaboration with Richard C. Schwartz (copyright 2002)
a= .97; item to total correlations = .58-.86.
Mean for Females = 89.07 (SD = 20.58)
Mean for Males = 93.78 (SD = 17.77)
25 items. Participants are asked how frequently they feel these feelings on a 5-point Likert scale (Never/Almost Never; Seldom; Sometimes; Often; Always/Almost Always)
Items Reflecting Self-Qualities:
- I feel energetic and joyful.
- I know who I am and what I want from life.
- I feel a sense of inner peace.
- I feel confident that I’ll reach my goals.
- I feel happy and playful.
- I feel hopeful and optimistic.
- I feel capable and strong.
- I accept and like myself, just as I am.
- I feel a deep sense of confidence in myself.
- I feel content with my life, just as it is.
- I feel balanced and calm.
- I feel worthy and valuable.
- I feel I can choose the life I want.
- I feel that there are many people who care about me.
- I feel deeply committed to life.
Items Reflecting Self-Leadership:
- I feel able to comfort myself when something bad happens.
- I feel able to take care of myself.
- I can manage okay in the midst of chaos.
- I can maintain my inner calm even under pressure.
- I feel able to face the bad things I’ve done.
- I feel like I have good self-control.
- When something upsets me, I can calm myself down in healthy ways.
- I’m able to resolve inner conflicts fairly quickly.
Items that load almost equally on both factors:
- I feel confident that I can handle whatever life brings me.
- I feel able to meet life’s challenges with courage.